frequently asked questions

  • Why should I bother trying to reduce my carbon emissions?

    • The planet is changing and so are the attitudes of governments, civil societies and major corporate organisations around the world. Mandatory reporting is not far away either.
    • The Paris Agreement is a legally-binding international commitment to keep the rise in global temperature to below 2°C (3.6 °F). As part of this, the UK has committed to a 68% reduction in its emissions by 2030 a target of achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050
    • To reach these goals, in 2021 the UK made the measurement and disclosure of climate-related financial information mandatory for all large listed companies, financial institutions and public sector bodies.
    • By applying pressure to the largest institutions to measure and disclose their impact, the wheel has been set in motion for environmental accountability to be passed down the value chain to smaller businesses, which represent the largest proportion of the global economy.
    • By anticipating future policies and regulations to limit carbon emissions, you can positively differentiate yourself from others. You can use the label in your on- and offline communication to inform your audience and motivate companies to take up their responsibility for the impact of their business operations on the climate.
    • Respecting the environment & climate action are important motivational and binding values to many employees. Furthermore a recent study from Yale University proves that higher education candidates attach a lot of importance to climate & environmental issues when choosing their next employer.
    • Going green sells! Greenwashing is dangerous. Make sure your image and marketing message aligns with your real efforts. Coherence, transparency and authenticity are key. Carbon Happy helps you make right & honest efforts so you are not at risk of greenwashing.

  • Where do I start?

    Talk to us, it’s not easy trying to understand the complex issues, that is why we are here to guide and advise.

  • Why choose Carbon Happy?

    A wealth of experience and knowledge sits behind the Carbon Happy brand, we’ll make the outline of your plan as simple as possible.

  • What are our aims?

    To work with organisations and individuals around the globe to help save every living being on the planet from an impending disaster.

  • How do we compare to other initiatives?

    • There are a lot of new companies with the same goal, our approach to tackle the issues we face does not shy away from the challenge; we look at all aspects of climate change, with extensive data analysis, training and review of the latest statistics.
    • Carbon Happy does the maths on your behalf to make the act of calculating a businesses’ carbon footprint as simple and as quick as possible.
    • There are no easy fixes. Our data sets are formulated to work with your sector.

  • After I commit to reducing my emissions and working with you, what happens next?

    • Set up an account
    • We will talk you through what is required, walking with you each step of the way. Using our bank of resources to guide you through reaching net zero emissions.
    • We will help you set up your base year by year emissions
    • Set up achievable targets for your company

  • Technical Stuff.

  • What standards does Carbon Happy Use?

    • We follow THREE sets of standards which are very similar.
    • The Publicly Available Standard 2050 (PAS 2050) was developed by the British Standards Institution (BSI) in 2008 as the world’s first framework methodology for carbon footprinting. The updated 2011 version provides a method for assessing the life cycle of greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services. Organisations can use this standard to assess the climate change impact of the goods and services they offer.
    • The GHG Protocol Product Standard. This standard was created by the WRI/WBCSD and published in October 2011. It was developed to be consistent with the first version of PAS 2050, with the difference that the GHG Protocol Product Standard includes requirements for public reporting. The GHG Protocol also provides additional standards for corporate assessments and project-related calculations.
    • We also follow the PAS 2060. Which adheres to the following;-

    The PAS 2060 standard specifies a four-stage process to demonstrate carbon neutrality. This involves:

    • Assessment of GHG emissions based on accurate measurement data
    • Reduction of emissions through a target-driven carbon management plan
    • Offsetting of excess emissions, often by purchasing carbon credits
    • Documentation and verification through qualifying explanatory statements and public disclosure.

  • What is scoping?

    The GHG Protocol Corporate Standard classifies a company’s GHG emissions into three ‘scopes’. Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources. Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy. Scope 3 emissions are all indirect emissions (not included in scope 2) that occur in the value chain of the reporting company, including both upstream and downstream emissions.

    • Why is scope 3 mentioned so much?

    Most of your emissions will come from Scope 3 as it covers all of your business activity

  • How long do I have to reduce my emissions?

    That depends on your own business model, normally we expect you to devise an action plan within 2 years and reduce your emissions, as set by both of us, and reach net zero carbon within 10 years.

  • What is carbon neutral and net zero carbon (NZC) or carbon net zero?

    Carbon net zero is a generic term that covers a lot. The aim of the phrase is to try and get all human activity back into balance with nature.

    Carbon neutral is when all of your activities have no positive carbon effect on our environment


    Climate change has become a very important issue for people worldwide. So much so that they are looking to businesses and organisations to take measures to counteract the impact of their activities and actively contribute to protecting the planet. By obtaining the CARBON HAPPY STANDARD™, your commitment becomes clear & recognisable as a fist step to publicly acknowledging your intent to achieve carbon net zero emissions.

    The Certification process begins with you using the CARBON HAPPY TACKER™ once we have your base line missions you start on the AAA Pathway™ principals:-

    Absorb – Compensate for your remaining carbon footprint by investing in carbon-offset projects in our seas and oceans.

    Adapt – Prioritise and implement a series of simple and innovative measures that will help you reduce your carbon footprint to (second to) none.

    Avoid – Practice good behaviours in your business and with your clients, tell people what you are doing.

    After an agreed period of time our independent auditors will validate your progress towards CARBON HAPPY ACCREDITATION™

  • My subscription with Carbon Happy

    • Please refer to our terms and conditions.
    • If you have selected a certain subscription package and then wish to change to a different one please send us a message either by emailing us at [email protected] or by getting in touch using the chat function, and a member of our team will get back to you with more information.